Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lord of the Rings Marathon

A few weekends ago I watched the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy-EXTENDED VERSIONS with my little brother and practically little sister Mackenzie. WOW. We started at 2:00 in the afternoon and watched all three back to back, no breaks ending at 2:35 in the morning!! It was intense. Especially watching it with obsessed fans who didn't have to read the subtitles when the characters on screen were speaking elvish!

Smeagol/Gollum drove me absolutely INSANE and I truely believed that HOBBITS were real and had once existed. I'm sure I'll never hear the end from that one.


Mackenzie said...

I LOVE YOU SHERRY LINDA! I'm so glad I was able to help you become finally enlightened in your LOTR knowledge :)

Carolina said...

OMG! I have no words...and given the obsessiveness of certain ppl..I will refrain from giving my opinion.

I just applaud you for enduring that long...hahahaha!

I'm a sarcastic witch...I know..

miss you!!

Randal said...

So is that where the hobbits lived or something? HAHAHA that was the best.