Monday, March 16, 2009

It's Girlscout Cookie Time

I crave these cookies all year long!  The trick is keeping the Samoas away from my dad!!  I can't decide which are my favorite...It's between Samoas and Taglalongs.  YUM!


Nisha said...

Those are the two kinds I bought. Samoas blow Tagalongs out of the water though. So yummy!

Natalia said...

samoas are my favs!

Carolina said...

I have one word/3 syllables...

Can I just say, that I bought like 7 boxes and have been trying to pawn them off on other people but have been unsuccessful and have had to eat them all by myself...ALL BAD!!

Me & Coconut do not = Friends!!!

eyre blog said...

YEAH new post!! I love love love girl scout cookies! will you save some for in to eat in July?! along with some phish food!