Thursday, September 13, 2007


Today we are still in Verona, Italy...a beautiful little town where you might remember reading about in Shakespeare's Romes and Juliet. In fact, we went to what would have been Juliette's home and saw the balcony she looked out of. There is also a statue of Juliette where supposedly, you go to rub her breast for those who are looking for love. Of course, being three single gals, we had to go rub it a time or two and if for nothing else...the picture of course!

We decided to stay an extra night for the very first performance ever of the Opera Romeo and Juliett in Verona...and in the colesseum! What an opportunity and how lucky that we happened to be here for it! We are all very excited and last night even had the opportunity to hear the singers rehearse as we sat outside at a little cafe to eat dinner. This whole trip still seems so surreal. The little cafe was nice and we decided to celebrate a little...ignoring the exhange rate between Euros and Dollars completely and spent an insane amount of money on dinner and the most delicious desserts! I will have to post pictures because it was amazing!

The Hostile experiences have been interesting...nothing to scary yet but already plenty of stories to tell. Last night there were 10 of us in a room all on bunk beds and there was one older woman, bless her heart, who was snoring so loud! As we all laid there trying to go to sleep and dealing with the noise in our own way, I was startled by a very loud CLAP! A few minutes later there was another CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! I heard Rachel asking me what I thought it was and I really didn't know whether to be scared or just to laugh! Apparantly, the clapper was a lady from France who just couldn't sleep with the snoring so she clapped randomly throughout the night in hopes to wake the snorer up just enough so that she would turn over. Tressa joined in and even patted the lady who was snoring trying to help the French lady and I even lent her my Ipod because at that point...I was much more annoyed and having a harder time falling asleep with the clapping and not the snoring! Yes, we've had a few long nights. Where is the AMBIEN?!!

It has been a great start for much more to see and look forward to. With all of the GELATO you can eat, Italian Opera Singers in the background at dinner time, two strange..yet charming Romanians, i think?? taking us out to lunch (that will have to be a story for another blog! ;) ) I could get very use to life here in Italy. We'll see!

Here are just a few pictures in so so BEAUTIFUL!!!

1 comment:

eyre blog said...

enough rubbing, snoring, clapping, and going out with strange man from Romania...come home already.