Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Randal!

My little Brother is 19!

What I love most about Little "Rano"

-  His strong Determination and STUBBORNESS..How else
can one make it through BOOTCAMP?!

-  His constant kisses, hugs and "I love you Sherry" 's

-  His Strong Testimony

-  His Passion for anything OUTDOORS especially hiking.  I can't wait
to go with you Randal!

-  He can define just about any word you throw at him

-  He has a hollow leg.  Sooo not fair.  Where does all the food go?  Seriously!

And much much more.  I love you Randal Johannes Ellsworth.  I'm excted to see where this year and life will take you next!

Happy Birthday.


eyre blog said...

YEAH HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the 19 year old!

Blake and Meg said...

Happy Birthday Randal!!!! Give him a hug from us!

Michelle Cox said...

Wow, happy birthday to Randal! I can't believe he's 19!

Thanks for the gelato tips, by the way. We decided to limit ourselves to one gelato trip a week, because the pennies add up so fast and I've been planning on what to get. I've been eyeballing that Stratciatella!!

We were at the park with the merry-go-round, but decided to make that a separate outing. Looks fun! I wish we were here at the same time!