Friday, November 9, 2007

Adventures in Babysitting and Brooklyn

So today Kristi and I decided to bundle McKay up, pack the stroller and diaper bag, and venture down to Brooklyn where there was a TARGET. Groceries and basically just about everything are so very expensive here in Manhattan that even with the time you spend and Subway fare out still save money! A few of Kristi's friends with their babies went as well and it was crazy madness but still fun.

Tonight I gave Noah and Kristi the "Night Off"and took their shift as parents to little McKay so they could have an evening to themselves. I had a blast reading book after book...growling like a bear until my voice was hoarse, giving horsey rides (I was the Horsey), flipping McKay like a pancake on the bed at least a dozen times, and trying not to give in when he didn't want to go to bed. He is fast asleep now and I kinda wish he were still up because he sure is fun to play with. =) It is times like this when I sure do wish I had little ones to snuggle up with and chase around and around. Someday??

Today I'm Thankful For a Strong and Healthy Body.

I am so thankful for the body I have that today allowed me to run through the rain, go up and down flights of stairs to and from the subway holding a toddler in my right arm and the end of a stroller in my left, to have an incredibly fun night with my favorite almost 2 year old rolling on the ground doing "airplane" and Mr Turkey impressions, and being able to get on plane after plane traveling thousands of miles to be with family and loved ones. It is to often I get stuck on what I am not rather than all that I am NOW that I miss out on life's most precious moments.

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